Genuine Quartz Crystal Raw Large Piece

Genuine Quartz Crystal Raw Large Piece

Regular price $8.00
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You need this Crystal, it is a must in your collection. The energy properties of clear quartz is to dispel feelings of negativity while encouraging positive feelings and thoughts, as well as balancing all your charkas. This stone is highly energetic and can amplify the energy of other stones as well, when used in tandem. Clear quartz enhances awareness and improves one's perceptions. Energy levels are increased with this stone, as well as thought processes are improved and clarified.

For those needing clarity of mind, clear quartz healing properties may eliminate energy blockages and allow energy to flow smoothly throughout the body.

Clear Quartz encourages clarity of thought and purpose to one’s heart and mind. It works on all levels of the energetic and physical bodies and resonates with all chakras.

Clear Quartz will amplify any energy with which it moves into resonance, including other stones, constantly broadcasting that energy into the Earths electromagnetic field. This makes Clear Quartz an excellent stone to use for healing, manifestation or prayer work. Clear Quartz helps to establish a strong, clear connection to higher guidance.