Quantum Reiki Infused Tigers Eye Charka Bracelet

Quantum Reiki Infused Tigers Eye Charka Bracelet

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Balancing with Tigers Eye

Protection ~Clear thinking  Personal empowerment  Integrity~ Willpower Practicality~ Grounding Power Courage ~Grace

Tigers Eye is a stone of protection and it may also bring good luck to the wearer.  It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, aiding us to resolve problems unclouded by emotions.  It helps with  fear and anxiety.  Helps in recognizing one’s own needs.

Balances the yin-yang and energising the emotional body, Tigers Eye stabilises mood swings, helps willpower, courage and self-confidence, and releases tension.

Chakras-Sacral and solar plexus chakra


Planet - Sun

Element - Fire, Earth

Vibration - Number 4

Typical colours - golden-brown, blue