Quantum Reiki Infused Green Aventurine Bracelet
Quantum Reiki Infused Green Aventurine Bracelet

Quantum Reiki Infused Green Aventurine Bracelet

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Balancing with Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is referred to as the “Stone of Opportunity” and is one of the luckiest crystals to have around you. Anyone can benefit from Green Aventurine especially if you are wanting to manifest more prosperity, wealth or opportunities in your life. Great to have around you when starting new projects, business ventures, or traveling. 

It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness.  Promotes compassion and empathy.  Encourages perseverance. It stabilises one’s state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity.  Aids in seeing alternatives and possibilities. Calms anger and irritation.  Promotes feelings of well-being.  Aventurine balances male-female energy. 

  • Great for clearing negative thought patterns. By clearing and releasing the old negative patterns and habits, it allows you to experience and instill new positive ways of thinking and being.
  • Increases joy and a positive outlook on life to assist you moving forward through changes and challenges.
  • Green Aventurine assists with manifesting wealth, prosperity, abundant opportunities and increased luck.
  • Green Aventurine is wonderful for helping to reduce stress.
  • Helps to quiet the mind of constant repetitive nagging thoughts, allowing you to relax more.
  • Its gentle and beautiful grounding energy can assist with promoting better sleep.
  • Has the ability to assist with neutralising electromagnetic pollution. Absorbing electromagnetic smog from equipment such as computers, televisions and mobile phones.
  • Green Aventurine can help to increase healing energy throughout the body, mind, emotions an aura. Releasing negativity and energy blocks, bringing about more harmony and balance.
  • Can assist with letting go of unhealthy patterns in relationships and look forward to new solutions and directions that may be available with increased joy and optimism.
  • Clear, activate and protect the Heart Chakra. Providing comfort and a beautiful calming energy. Helpful during times of emotional challenge and upset.

Aventurine Associations

Chakras - dependent on colour (see below)

Zodiac-Aries and Libra 

Element - Earth

Vibration - Number 3

Typical colours - Green, but may also be orange, brown, yellow, blue or grey

Healing with Aventurine

Creativity Imagination Independence Prosperity Calmness Career success Balance Heals circulation Heals congestion