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New Moon Rituals

New Moon Intentions/ RitualsSet your New Moon Intentions in Motion* Cleanse your sacred area with an Opening Prayer; use the White Light, and by burning some incense.* Light one or more candles, have your favorite crystals with you. Have anything you consider sacred with you.* Center and calm yourself. Take some deep cleansing breaths. Play music that is peaceful and meditative.Embrace the transformative power of manifestation by jotting down your deepest desires in a notebook. Whether they are big or small, let no limits confine your ambitions. By manifesting smaller goals, you pave the way for larger successes, building a foundation of confidence and self-belief. Start your journey towards fulfillment today.

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New Moon in Taurus May 7, 2024

The Taurus New Moon on Tuesday, May 7, invites you to indulge in the finer things in life. Take advantage of this sensual energy by pampering yourself with a luxurious bubble bath or a sumptuous face mask. This is the perfect opportunity to slow down and enjoy some much-needed self-care. Embrace the comfort and pleasure that comes with treating yourself like royalty. Let the Taurus New Moon be a reminder that you deserve to be pampered and taken care of. So go ahead, indulge and revel in the luxurious energy of this celestial event. After a hectic April, May promises to be a calmer month. The cosmic activity kicks off on May 2nd when Pluto, the planet of transformation, goes...

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WHAT IS SO IMPORTANT ABOUT NOVEMBER ON YOUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY?Take a read! November represents the spiritual warrior and is a month reflecting on which battles still lie within ourself. Metaphysically speaking, November, the month of eleven, which represents the ancient powers of the earth wizard. November... On the 11th day of the 11th month, we experience an energy shift, ushering in influences from higher frequencies. November tends to be a catalyst which sets in motion new life and new beginnings. November is considered a karmic month meaning the past catching up with us, and it’s time to cleanse and release past behaviors The butterfly 🦋 so to speak , is now about to be set free.November is about Spiritual Awakening...

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Full Moon in Aries The Manifesting Moon

Happy Full Moon in Aries Full moons have a habit of intensifying emotions and illuminating that which has been hidden and is in dire need of addressing. This is why we release what is no longer needed to serve our higher good .Full Moon In Aries 2021 Aries is the new beginning. Aries as the first zodiac sign is the leader, this full moon is full of potential. You may ask why? We have a lot of Aries and Mars energy. So starting new things will be really supported right now.The Moon of Aries opens the flow of the Feminine Divine to intensify our intuition of the Higher Mind, or consciousness. This opens up the doorway of executing the ability...

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What are you releasing on this Full Harvest Moon Full Moon in Aries 2021?

You’re journaling tonight??? RIGHT!!! Here are some journal prompts for tonight’s full moon in Aries/Harvest Full Moon 2021 Journal on the following ideas (or change them Up a bit to fit SPECIAL YOU): -What is that I want/need right now? -What is the action I can take to get me closer to the things I want and need right now? - How can I be more assertive? Or * What are some of the blockages that stop or derail your creative process?     * List or name some stories, beliefs, habits or patterns of being that get in the way of your authentic creative expression.    * Make a list of parts or versions of yourself you’ve had difficulty...

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