Full Moon Rituals for February 2021

Happy Full Snow Moon of February 2021 3:17 am EST. It’s our final full winter moon. Take advantage of the full moon and the moon cycles to create abundance into your life. If you missed engaging in a ritual this evening, feel open to engage in a Full Moon Blessing tomorrow evening. The full moon still has plenty of power and energy.

To use the moon this evening to its fullest potential, Turn off all devices & then prepare a special space;
* light candles
* cleans areas with sacred smoke, sage or Palo Santo
* Add sea salt or pink Himalayan salt & oils in the bath.
* Add a mason jar of water outside to make Moon water
* Place crystals and special stones outside to recharge
* Journal in your journal of what you would like to release
* Sit outside this evening for dinner
* Recite this moon prayer

Full Moon Prayer....
I release all that doesn’t align me with my higher self 
I release all obstacles that are holding me back
I release all that is not mine 
I release all fears and doubts 
I release suffering and pain as a means for my growth
I release relationships that do not serve my higher good
I live in abundance and attract wealth, health and happiness 
Blessings your way
~Lisa, The Tipsy Gypsy Alchemist