Full Moon in Aries The Manifesting Moon

Happy Full Moon in Aries

Full moons have a habit of intensifying emotions and illuminating that which has been hidden and is in dire need of addressing. This is why we release what is no longer needed to serve our higher good .

Full Moon In Aries 2021

Aries is the new beginning.
Aries as the first zodiac sign is the leader, this full moon is full of potential. You may ask why? We have a lot of Aries and Mars energy. So starting new things will be really supported right now.

The Moon of Aries opens the flow of the Feminine Divine to intensify our intuition of the Higher Mind, or consciousness. This opens up the doorway of executing the ability to perceive new revelations in our life to being new things and allow changes to occur physically and not just in our hopes and dreams. So definitely get to manifesting with the full moon. This is the moon of fine-tuning our desires to become our true reality – grounding those elements we are wanting to create. Now is the time!

Archangel Uriel is working with us during the month of October. Archangel Uriel is known as the angel of wisdom. He shines the light of God's truth into the darkness of confusion. Uriel means “God is my light” or "fire of God."

To use the moon this evening to its fullest potential, Turn off all devices & then prepare a special space
* lighting candles
* cleansing with sacred smoke, sage or Palo Santo
* Add sea salt or pink salt & oils in the bath.
* Add a mason jar of water outside to make Moon water
* Place crystals and special stones outside to recharge
* Recite this moon prayer

Full Moon Prayer....
I release all that doesn’t align me with my higher self ✨
I release all obstacles that are holding me back✨
I release all that is not mine ✨
I release all fears and doubts ✨
I release suffering and pain as a means for my growth✨
I release relationships that do not serve my higher good✨
I live in abundance and attract wealth, health and happiness 🌙🌕🌙